On the corner of my desk there’s a sealed manilla envelope that I’ve been avoiding.
As I work on other things, cook, clean, and do everything else to avoid sitting down and opening it, it sits, waiting.
The envelope has two copies of Andy’s dental records. Eddie mailed them after our last conversation, an extra set like the ones he’s taking to aid groups, medical examiners and law enforcement at every opportunity.
“I sent two copies,” Eddie said. “So keep one copy for yourself and one copy out. I have an extra copy here.”
But I’m not sure where they could be sent that Eddie hasn’t already delivered them.
It has been nearly a year since Andy went missing somewhere between Cananea, Sonora and Sierra Vista, Arizona.
In the first few weeks the family received confusing phone calls asking if they were waiting for someone crossing the border, phone calls that ended with hangups as the family tried to ask questions.
Since then there has only been silence.
Eddie contacted me a few weeks after that. With less updates to give, Eddie calls less often now.
Yet searching for Andy, including tracing Andy’s steps once he left California to return to the family home in Sinaloa through his attempts to cross the border from Baja California and then Sonora, has become a part of normal life.
And as the one year anniversary approaches, Eddie is still coming across surprises.
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